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Machine Learning
Made Affordable

Our Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research Kits offer an affordable option for beginning or continuing your robotic machine learning model development. This all-in-one solution provides hardware and software ready for data collection and training.

All-In-One Solution

Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research Kits have everything you need to record and store training data, as well as develop robotic machine learning data models.

Data Storage


Machine Learning


Preconfigured High Performance Laptop

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Bimanual Teleoperated
Robotic Manipulation

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Preloaded Machine Learning From Stanford

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Multi-View Stereoscopic Video Streams

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Machine Learning

Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research Kits come with machine learning out of the box. Using ACT/ACT++ from Stanford University, we arm you with an effective and cutting-edge data model for getting started. Record your training session and begin to collect the vital data for transforming from mimicry to mastery.

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Be Up And Running
In Under An Hour

Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research Kits are designed to be plug-and-play. Assemble the kit using our easy-to-follow guides, boot up the computer, run a few lines of code, and you will be ready for your first training session.


Computer Vision

Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research Kits come with Intel® RealSense™ D405 stereoscopic cameras. You get multi-view video streams for your machine-learning models.

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THE Official
Aloha Kits

Trossen Robotics makes the only official Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research Kits. We partnered with Stanford University on the original Aloha Project to produce low-cost, high-quality robotic machine-learning kits for researchers, educators, students, and engineers. Our goal is to democratize ML hardware to progress the field and reduce the barrier to entry.


Ready, Set, Train.

Contact us today about Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research Kits.

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