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Official Aloha Kit

Trossen Robotics Makes THE Official Aloha Kits

Viper Aloha Set

ViperX Aloha Follower Arms

ViperX Follower Arms for Aloha Robotic Machine Learning Research

Single: $6,499.95

Pair: $12,799.95

+ Shipping and any applicable taxes and tarrifs

ViperX Aloha Set Features






Degrees of Freedom



Upgraded Grippers, Haptics, and Joints

  • New all-metal gripper linkages for long-term reliability

  • Compression-proof bearings with no risk of overtightening or wearing out over thousands of hours of use

  • Dual industrial-grade rails and carriages

  • ViperX follower-arms have new, easily swappable 3D-printed fingers for future design iterations.

  • WidowX leader-arms have new, easily swappable 3D-printed ergonomic handles and finger paddles with universal mounting brackets for support of custom handles and finger paddles.

  • New all-metal bracket joints

Aloha Gripper

Easily Repairable

The X-Series arms are made for the lab, our arms are intended to be worked on and we've made it as easy as possible to keep your manipulator up and running. Quickly and easily swap out motors that need to be replaced, lengthen or shorten the arm to your needs. Everything you need to repair your platform is kept in stock, making it easy to keep your equipment up and running with minimal downtime.

ROS 2 Support

Packages for ROS and ROS 2 make it easy to get started with the arm. These packages include full meshes and URDFs (including accurate inertial models for the links), a driver node to control the physical robot arm and publish joint states, as well as simulation (Gazebo) and motion planning (MoveIt) support. Several example packages are also included to demonstrate the potential uses of the core packages.

ROS Logo

MoveIt Support

MoveIt is the most widely used software for manipulation and has been used on over 150 robots. It is released under the terms of the BSD license, and thus free for industrial, commercial, and research use. By incorporating the latest advances in motion planning, manipulation, 3D perception, kinematics, control and navigation, MoveIt is state of the art software for mobile manipulation.

Moveit Logo

Gazebo Support

Robot simulation is an essential tool in every roboticist's toolbox. A well-designed simulator makes it possible to rapidly test algorithms, design robots, perform regression testing, and train AI system using realistic scenarios. Gazebo offers the ability to accurately and efficiently simulate populations of robots in complex indoor and outdoor environments. At your fingertips is a robust physics engine, high-quality graphics, and convenient programmatic and graphical interfaces. Best of all, Gazebo is free with a vibrant community.

Gazebo Logo

Aloha Documentation and Guides

Aloha Research Kits

Mobile ALOHA Perspective 1.png

Aloha Mobile

Go Anywhere

Stationary 1.png

Aloha Stationary

Table-Top Use

Viper Aloha Set.jpg

ViperX - Aloha

Set of Two Follower Arms

Widow Aloha Set.jpg

WidowX - Aloha

Set of Two Leader Arms

ViperX Aloha Set Specifications

ViperX Aloha Set Technical Drawing

If you need product support, please visit the product support page.

ViperX Aloha Change Log

  • 4/1/2024 - Version 2.0

    • Upgraded gripper and forearm servos​

    • All-metal gripper with dual mounting rails

    • Enhanced gripper ergonomics for better comfort

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